
Title: For All Things NYC...And Then Some

By Fanny September 7, 2011
What can Amy answer for you? Do you live near NYC and want to know where to go for a great Italian dinner out? Where to go for a great drink? Want something special to give to someone as a gift and need suggestions? Are you coming to visit NYC and want to know where to stay? Are you bringing kids to NYC and need to know where to take them? Do you have an upcoming interview and need great questions to ask? Amy can find the answers to these questions or anything else you may need advice or suggestions on. She gets emails from friends daily asking "Wass, where should I...??" or "Wass, what do you know about this place or that place"...etc....Here is where Amy wants to turn her love of making people laugh (she was a stand up comedian) together with finding things people need, all while hopefully throwing in some humor along the way!

Amy is a foodie, a comic, a sales rep, a social butterfly, a spender, a friend, a fan and a zillion other things that contribute to her thirst for knowledge of everything.....She wants to share that be your personal concierge. Let's communicate in "real time" and have you ask her what you need help finding. It could be because you don't have the time to find out, or it could be because you don't know where to look, whatever the reason, Amy is the answer!! So go ahead....Ask Wass.

Go to <> and get your questions answered.